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Become A Partner

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SHI has 3 unique opportunities for companies who want to partner:


Operating PartnersYou work hard to serve your residents and investors.  SHI works hard to provide resources to make your job a little easier and to provide better insight to help you and your team make better decisions.  Enrolling your company to be an Operating Partner with SHI will get your entire team free access to SHI webinars, the SHI Academy, and our research and analysis projects.  Becoming a Partner will also provide discounts for many industry conferences as well as discounts towards services and products from our Supplier Partners.  


Supplier Partners (Service & Product Providers) – You’ve got a product or service that can help student housing operators?  Work with the SHI team and our ambassadors to get the reviews and feedback you need to make your product or service the best that it can be.  When your company makes those changes, we’ll invite you to be a Supplier Partner and we’ll work to introduce your product and service in front of as many student housing professionals as possible.  Supplier Partners also get exclusive access to sponsor SHI content including podcast episodes, webinars, as well as the ability to commission the SHI team to conduct research and analysis projects. 


Strategic Partnership - Does your company provide something unique to the student housing industry?  Does your company collect data on the industry that can be analyzed to help operators and owners make better decisions?  Then you are invited to have a conversation about an exclusive partnership with SHI.

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SHI Testimonials

SHI Testimonials

SHI Testimonials
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Erica White

Erica White

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Jason Fort

Jason Fort

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Ryan Hand

Ryan Hand

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